Growing Startup Association’s Members through Digital Marketing Strategies

Project overview

Crafting comprehensive member            personas and customized packages tailored to specific member profiles

Creating multi-channel lead generation action plan including direct emails, content marketing, and social media marketing (SMM)

Revamping website structure and content to prioritize member acquisitions

Project overview

Crafting comprehensive member personas and customized packages tailored to specific member profiles

Creating multi-channel lead generation action plan including direct emails, content marketing, and social media marketing (SMM)

Revamping website structure and content to prioritize member acquisitions


Latvian Startup Association Startin.LV is a major non-profit startup community in Latvia that supports startups and advocates for
their interests.

Our partnership aimed to attract new association members and boost its influence in representing startup interests at the state level. Despite being around for 6 years, the association’s membership numbers remained stagnant as they hadn’t actively sought to acquire new members.

Since the association operates on a tight budget as a non-profit NGO, traditional paid advertising wasn’t an option. We started by analyzing existing members, mainly startup founders, using KYC records provided by the client. This helped us identify three distinct member personas, each with a tailored value proposition.

Working closely with the client, we crafted three membership packages, each customized to meet the specific needs of individual members.

use case. startup association's membership plans
use case. startup association's membership plans mobile view

The next step involved developing a lead generation strategy using a multi-channel approach. The primary focus was on personalized email sequences, followed by one-on-one calls with prospects. It was recommended that the startup association utilize an email list comprising people who had attended past events but were not members. This approach yielded impressive results, with a 30% response rate to cold emails.

Social media platforms were also used to draw in leads, tapping into the association’s existing follower base. A social media communication plan was developed for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, emphasizing membership benefits, community cohesion, and the authority of existing startup members.

Membership applications to the association increased by 238%, plus a notable increase in website traffic and social media followers, all achieved organically within 6 months without any marketing expenditure.

startup association KPIs use case
startup association KPIs use case mobile view


238% growth in applications

In the 6 years since the association was founded, the client hasn’t seen such a big increase in applications. What’s remarkable is that this was accomplished with ZERO marketing expenditure.


Although increasing followers wasn’t the primary aim, implementing the social media communication plan generated more interest, consequently boosting lead generation KPIs.

600% growth in website visitors

Revamping the website structure, crafting relevant and insightful content for the target audience, and executing a communication strategy in social networks led to a remarkable surge in website visitors.

Alina Silina


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